Ceremonial, poignant


rattling through

last century’s

Tidy Town

noting civic merits.

just past Auburn

the tag reads


on the return trip

it’s clear it’s

“Epic one”.

Australia ! –

you experiment.

rats on the track

on Platform 5.

inland seagulls

nest in the carpark.

a blue screwtop cap

dropped onto bitumen.

lifting lipwards

a cold & slimy

curvy plastic bottle

of sprightly lemonade.





everyone kept driving

on the 11th of the 11th

past solemnity’s

phantom crowds.

everything’s horrible now –

elevated sentiment

and its

sticky implications.

truly too bad, truly,

it’s too long to wait, to be

expected to,        &

what about a reprieve,

history !?

you’ll need to


your licence number.

someone hits the headlines

in a bumptious kind of haze.

fragmented peak-hour,

- whatever happens next

trains will arrive, will depart.

in a crisis, inelegant,

just on tearful –

the official

on the console

has lost the rationale.





               © Pam Brown




AB - To blog or not to blog, this is the question.



AB - How would you characterize your blog you should describe it to one of us, i.e. another blogger?

PB : My blog is about the cultural activities of my friends (sometimes functioning simply as a 'What's On' information space) and myself. (Including, of course, political activities and info). It's not much of a personal diary although I do use it, indirectly, to 'keep in touch' with friends and colleagues in Australia and in foreign countries. So, for instance, I recently moved from Sydney to Melbourne - my blog has some material about that.


AB  - I sometimes regard my blog as a safe place where I can meet my chosen people, is this the same for you?

PB: No, not really.


AB  - I am wondering do we sometimes forget that personal remarks, notes, poems are there for everybody to be seen?

PB: No, I'm very conscious of my blog as a public space.


AB - Do you post many poems on your blog? Is there an actual difference in-between publishing online, mainly through a blog, or printed publishing?

PB: Yes there is a definite difference (that's far too broad a topic for me to canvass here) - but I post my poems and friends' poems and favourite poems occasionally. Irregularly.


AB  - What kind of actual or immaterial feedback do you receive from publishing online through a blog?

PB: Mostly comments from friends and mostly back channel. Recently, when I posted notes about a writer, an old friend, who died many other mutual friends and acquaintances of his contacted me with comments and with images that I subsequently included on the blog.


AB  - What do you think of the Blogosphere when related to blogs that deal with poetry?

PB: Well, obviously, as a practising poet, I'm very interested in them.



Adam FieledAlan Sondheim - Allen Bramhall - Andrew LundwallBob Grumman - Chris Murray - Dan WaberDeborah Humphreys - Geof Huth - Henry GouldJames Finnegan - Jean Vengua - Jeff Harrison Jill Jones - Mairéad Byrne - Mark YoungMike Peverett - Nick Piombino - Tom Beckett - Tom Murphy - Tom Orange




Introduction: Communication_***_Interview_***_ Blogs I visit _***_ What is a blog _***_ Webliography _***_When Blogs Will Be_***_

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